12th International Coral Reef Symposium

What's New

The Organisers would like to thank the below organisations for supporting ICRS 2012.

We applaud your support of the world’s best coral reef managers and scientists and your commitment has helped ensure a future for the world’s coral reefs.

Symposium Co-Sponsors

The Queensland Government sponsorship was funded by the:

Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Department of Education, Training and Employment
Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
Department of Transport and Main Roads

Opening Ceremony Sponsor & Climate Change Scientific Theme Sponsor


Fringing Reef Sponsor

Fringing Reef Sponsor & Coral Triangle Scientific Theme Sponsor


Water Bottle & Cooler Sponsor

Reef Trip Sponsor

Genomics Scientific Theme Sponsor

Water quality: impacts and management & Management and Monitoring Scientific Theme Sponsor

The participating consortium members are:

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation
The University of Queensland
The Australian Institute of Marine Science
James Cook University
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
Life Technologies

Plenary Speakers:
Helene Marsh and Jamal Jompa

Plenary Speaker:
Geoff Jones



Photographic Competition Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor


Grants and Prizes

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ARC Centre of Excellence International Society for Coral Reef Studies James Cook University International Society for Coral Reef Studies